Friday, May 17, 2024

What can we learn from practicing authentic living over following a timeline?


On Social Media sites we encounter some motivational speakers who introduce us to the idea of not restricting yourself on following a timeline in order to achieve success. What I mean by success here is living with authenticity, contentment and finding our inner happiness. Have you ever that feeling where you have reached everything and have done according to you plan but still you feel that there is something is lacking but you can't pinpoint what it is?

According to these speakers, success in life doesn't determine by getting the accomplishment for a certain milestone. For example at age 16, you should be doing a part time job. By the age of 20, you finished college and by 27, you get married and have children. Then at age 30, you are already retired and so on and so forth. Even our society have own set of timeline that we should follow in our lives and if we don't follow it then it might imply that something is not right with us.

Although following a timeline gives us the direction and control on how we want to see ourselves in the future. It gives the drive to push forward with our goals and there is this notion that life is limited so for as long as you are able and healthy do it before your body wears out or do it while your love ones are still alive however the downside of it is we are losing our authenticity because of imposing some self restricting beliefs that when things gets beyond our control and doesn't go on our way, we become too depressed and unable to accept and do new things. We become so hard on ourselves and we also extend this towards over others unaware that they have their own set of needs and with that we lose our sense of compassion to ourselves and others.

When we achieve a certain milestones in our lives, we sometimes boasts it in front of others probably it would also provide for some people to move forward especially for those who follow a certain goals but for others, it doesn't resonate that much because they may have different perspective in life or become more upset within themselves and felt inferior because they also try doing the way you do but it doesn't work with them.

When we push things to meet a deadline, it suffers the quality and the time that our body needs to process and grow. When we rush things, it doesn't give us that stability and lasting effect that we truly need.

We have our own timing, our own readiness and uniqueness that most of us take it for granted because we wanted to be belong and make the society accept us.

True that in this world life is limited and we have to aspire for a goal and live on purpose however by being authentic, it teaches us to be flexible, be resilient, find acceptance and adaptability to the things that we cannot control of. We have plans and goals that we want to accomplish that are great however there are times that life brings us to a set of detours that direct us to a better opportunity that we can't imagine and it reduces the sense of regret and brings inner peace.

What to do when losing motivation?

Through some phases in our lives we meet some challenges, past situations that still hunt us and there are times things didn't go as expected and from there we lose our motivation either to start something new or to continue pursuing our goals. Losing motivation is a normal feeling however this doesn't mean that we have to dwell too much of it to the point that we will discontinue what we are trying to set for ourselves.

Here are some practical tips on what to do when you feel you are losing on motivation to move forward.

1. To be aware and understand your whys. 

This is about getting back to your true purpose of why you create a goal to yourself. You also have to ask for whom are you doing this for, for example you need to go to abroad for you to give your children a good life. Regardless of the hardships you are facing you have the resilience to work hard and have focus because of the children in mind.

2. Seeing the bigger picture and the long-term effects of your decision. 

Sometimes before we lose our motivation, we get distracted first by some detours or challenges to which we lose our focus and later on decreases our motivation to continue doing our goals however when you see the bigger picture and its long-term significance, you will clearly see the benefits of your goal or what will happened when you stop. By reflecting on these matters will help us continue with our goals and priorities even if we are facing challenges or any diversion towards it.

3. Take things one at a time. 

There are some instances that too many goals we set for ourselves we become too overwhelmed that would make us lose our focus towards our goals this is why doing things one thing at a time will help us return our balance and grounded. Doing simple and small tasks also helps us gain some efficiency with our work than we allow multi-tasking but later on we felt all over the place with nothing hasn't being done properly.

4. Take your time. 

We are not talking about procrastination, but it is all about your readiness because when you are ready that's the time where your mind can absorb more information and productive. There is this saying that " Slow success builds character, fast success builds ego" and this actually true because in today's world we are more into instant gratification and we want fast results towards our goals however if the process towards it is half baked, not fully established or rushed whatever we are working on, it compromises good quality, and its effectiveness is short lived.

5. Keep on moving even if you are in a low mood. 

There are times, we have our days that we have no energy or mood to do our chores and even continue doing our cherished goals and it is normal however if we dwell too much of this low mood, it will sink us down however if we keep on moving it somehow starts to feel better. It is advisable that when we are in this state have a few minutes of walk in the park, nature, do errands or have a stroll at malls. If you are at home, a simple house chore such as floor sweeping would also help us regain our energy and while we are active, we suddenly boost our creativity or intellect that would support our goals.

6. Use SMART method.

Setting realistic goals using SMART method which stands for S - Specific, M - Measurable, A - Attainable, R - Realistic and lastly T - for Time bound. This method commonly used in health care settings and other professional fields that requires a timeline and result driven on some specific tasks in dealing with clients. If we applied this on pursuing our goals and it would help us get that direction and focus because we can evaluate our goals logically based on the criteria that we set in. When we see our progress, it indicates that we are on the right track and thus increases our motivation.

7. Eliminating what is not essential and setting routines and habits that will anchor your goals. 

We have to identify first what distracts us and those people, old habits or situations that drain our energy and from there if we wanted to change, we set up new routines and habits that support our goals. We can track our progress and effectiveness on weekly, monthly or yearly basis. It is important that your newly formed habits are deeply sink into your system.

8. Developing self - compassion and patience. 

When we lose our motivation, we become too hard on ourselves and become impatient because we wanted immediately results but when the situation becomes out of control, we lose our motivation and another thing that cause misunderstandings and ruining of relationships. We have to accept that there are some things that would require time and we can't control people in our lives, but we can control our emotions and actions. By practicing self - compassion and patience, we are able to process things calmly.

9. Seeking the company of trusted people and your support system.

When you feel that you are in low motivation, seek the company of people whom you can trusted and in good influence and character either it is a family member, friends or seek professional help from counselor or mental help professional where you can express yourself and what stresses you without being judged and providing insights that would help you think back at your own feet.

10. Another way to help us boosts our motivation is to look for inspiration from those people who have already reached the top. 

It could be our favorite celebrities, other public figures, rock stars, musicians, influencers, entrepreneurs, mentors & others because their stories would give the resilience that we need especially when we see them continue to pursue their goals and their creativity despite a lot of hardships and obstacles they encountered. We have to see, what makes them so passionate with their craft and what makes them continue doing it. We also need to see if these people give us the positive impact that would help us change for better. If they are down to Earth, humble, remain on low profile and living a simple life, recognizes God and being respectful and kind to others then we are on the right track.

11. Practicing spirituality. 

This approach can be difficult to understand by those doesn't believe on God and Supreme being from different faiths however for those who practice it in a form of prayer, singing or meditation it somehow decreases their stress and it also help us regain their motivation and purpose on continuing their goals or develop a new path that aligned to God's will.

Now that you're equipped with these strategies, it's time to take action. Select one or two tips that resonate most with you and start implementing them today. Remember, progress over perfection. Celebrate your small wins and watch your motivation snowball as you move closer to achieving your goals.

Have you ever overcome a dip in motivation? 

Share your experiences and tips in the comments section! Your story could be the spark that ignites someone else's fire.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

My thoughts on using pronouns to let people acknowledge your gender

When I encounter a male person but unaware of his sexual orientation, I immediately address him a male however if I some observe something distinctive about this person for instance he wears female clothing, has some feminine in his gestures or he openly tells everyone that he is gay then I will address this person as she/her for me to acknowledge and respect the sexual orientation that this person wants to be.

I don't mind whatever their sexual orientation is and for as long as they are approachable, decent and kind person I don't see anything wrong for these people to be included in the community.

What I consider an issue if the person impose too much that all people must recognize and accept that they are from the LGBT group and demands the respect that they need but they do the opposite for example they harm someone who doesn't accept their sexual orientation or any slight conflicts with someone grew into a bigger issue.

At schools, we are taught about the use of pronouns, the use of he/him, she/hers, we, ours, they/them and it. It is straightforward that when everyone sees you as a male, you will addressed as he/him and if you are a female then she/her is applied however now that we are on the modern and digital age some individuals call themselves as they/them. 

In my opinion, using this kind of pronouns confuses some people for example children, elderly and those people who follows the conservative, religious and those people who considered it as normal from previous standards and today's acceptable standards. You may inform people you're sexual orientation however you must accept that not everyone accept you for your choices.  Not all people will try to understand what you have been through for a gender change.

For you to fully embrace your identity, you must be grateful and accept who you are from the past. You make peace with it. Respect your biological make-up from birth and respect what God and the nature has given you.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

My thoughts on Cold Calling to gather leads on Real Estate

One of the tasks that a Real Estate Virtual Assistant must have is the ability to gather leads to help the client's business grow. The main method in gathering leads is to make phone calls of either buyers or sellers and to determine whatever motivation they have for the property and put it on the database however I do find calling a lot of people for that purpose is a waste of time especially if you are receiving a lot of rejections from them. It is like doing a lottery, hoping to find any luck. I also do feel that calling lots of people but without a result drains the time and resources of the client. Even providing homeowners a yellow letter, there is a possibility that the property owners will take that for granted and put it straight to the bin!

To share with you my experience, I did encounter some of the cold callers either from phone or mobile phone and the first reaction that comes to my mind is, how come they knew my number and information and able to call? I quickly assume that these people are scammers & cons & I immediately block them without engaging with them. If it happens that you are an Introvert, you wouldn't spend your time and energy to those cold callers that waste your time.

In this day and age scammers can do everything to get what they wanted, and we cannot always trust the random person who calls and provide our information to them during the initial stage. You don't know whatever motivation they have. We have to protect our privacy, confidentiality and even our own boundaries from these people. Even if they say that they are legit company, do not be complacent. Do some research and asked some people who received their services.

I am not saying that we have to ban this type of Real Estate tasks because there are some people who are still benefiting from it for instance, a seller is having difficulty in finding the buyer for the property either they are too busy with their work or other commitments, and it happens that they received a cold caller, and they have a win-to-win deal. For this to become a successful transaction it really depends on how you effectively communicate.

From what I have learned regarding Cold calling tasks, a realtor will go to the county office to get contacts of properties that are on the risk of foreclosure and as Real Estate VA, you do the calling one by one but the challenging part is you don't know which among them has the motivation to sell or buy.

If you are going to ask me if I prefer Cold Calling, I prefer an old school type of gathering leads for example I am at day care center for children and by chance I talked to some mothers expressing their interest of selling their property because of a divorce or relocation to a new place. They can see me personally, send them my business contact details and get their consent so once I called them, they know it is me.

Same thing applies if I attended property matter events in the community. I get to know them in person and preferences and from there we also get to know who has the motivation to buy or sell the property so once you contact them there wouldn't be a surprise.

There was this forum that I have read about Cold Calling and one of the responses from a realtor got my attention because what he said was if you got annoyed by Cold calling then that's your problem. His most of his Cold calling transactions might be all successful however if by chance he encounters someone who can sue him to the courts then what can he do? Will his company protect him with that?

If he is the one who receives cold calls day by day and those who are really so persistent in getting information about him, wouldn't he get annoyed by that and just let the day pass and say, it is okay? We couldn't pretend like that.

Although these people who don't like to receive these types of calls are minority, it doesn't mean that you will continuously disrespect their boundaries. According to some sources, Cold Calling is not illegal however there are also laws and restrictions on some states that they must be aware of for example Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991. So, if these people put their names on "Do Not Call List" & you are still stubborn & call them then expect some consequences.

It is important that as a Real Estate Virtual Assistant, you have to be mindful of issues that can happen on Cold Calling. Asked your company or client of what measures they will just in case the receiver of the call sue you for doing it. If they can’t provide you a good answer, then you are at great risk & it is time to think if they are good company to work with in the long run.

It would be better to find leads using a different method and don’t require you to depend on Cold Calling a 100% or not at all. The other method might be on a slow process but if that guarantees the quality of service you are giving that in return can provide you a good value of prospects then that would be a great thing! When you are doing things in a right way, people will start to pick it up & will support you in many ways.

In this day & age I do feel that more people value on the inner peace at work wherein it doesn't give them any stress because someone sued them for the violation they have done. A good business respects people's boundaries, privacy & confidentiality.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Navigating Broker Price Opinion

Making property valuation through Broker Price Opinion (BPO) is one of the essential skills that realtors must have and same thing applies to real estate virtual assistant (REVA) because they are assisting the clients behind the scenes however for me who are still on the learning process of becoming a real estate virtual assistant, I was immediately informed that doing BPO tasks are tedious but once you get used to the process, it would be easy peasy.

In doing Broker Price Opinion as a student, I encounter some challenges.

The main thing that I am concerned when it comes to the challenges is through the lack of information or where to get the accurate and legit one. In order to get the accurate information, you need to be a licensed realtor to access the County website and also the MLS system. It is understandable that not all people can have access to County website either online or onsite due to privacy and confidentiality of the past and current owners of the property and there are potential risks that the information you acquire can be subjected for abuse. If you want to get information through onsite, you need to have information and undergo a process and rules as provided by the County office otherwise the misuse of information can result to violation.

As for MLS system, different realty firms are using a similar or a completely different MLS system and to get access it's only the realtor knows. I think using MLS system makes a Realty firm unique from the other, making services quick and get accurate information as possible however I also discovered that pulling comparable, it doesn’t have to be too complex, and you can actually do it from scratch. By knowing this, you can easily assess, plan and strategize even if the MLS system is not available.

Another thing is that is challenging for me as a student is to find out different MLS systems that are used by companies in real time and we need of more of hands-on approach of navigating it for example using a simulation version of the real one so we can practice. I also do feel that there are different scenarios when it comes to identifying whether the property is on Sales & Financing Concessions and Fee Simple and if you are lacking information or if there are discrepancies of it, it is difficult to provide a clear distinction for what the property is.

As for making adjustments, we were informed that the banks provide a standard guideline, and we have to make research of how much the property cost on average installing or repairing. The challenging part of this is each states have different pricing, and it can be also updating on a yearly basis so if you get the wrong information, it will affect your property valuation.

From my overall experience these are the challenges that I come up with and even though there are struggles once you finally completed it and aware of these challenges, it gives you more room of opportunity to improve. I do believe that as we gain more exposure of doing it, we understand about it deeply and develop our confidence and become effective in making property valuations for our clients and make right decisions after.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Don't stop believing and chasing your dreams!

Just do it and chase your dreams! Turn those dreams of yours into a reality. Once you have chase it, go for a better and bigger one. Don't stop believing to your dreams and goals no matter how hard you fall. 

Remind and focus on it and stand up again and make your impossible dreams turn into something doable. Little by little and even if there is uncertain still there is something happening, there is a progress without us being aware of it. 

Young and old, we are in for an adventure all the time and set yourselves for new beginnings instead of endings. In addition, ground your dreams and goals with spirituality and practicality to build a strong foundation making those impossible dreams becomes possible.

Sogga's Touch no jutsu!


I know you are in deep pain Floppa.

After I saw a video of Sogga touching Floppa's chest on YouTube by Cult of Flop, it makes me inspired to write a small dialogue between the two.

Sogga have mastered a new technique after watching Naruto called "Touch no jutsu" putting a paw on an irrate friend in order for him to calm down and release the evil chakra.?

Sogga's Touch no jutsu

Sogga: Floppa, I know that you are in deep pain. Let me remove that for you my friend. (Placing its paw on Floppa's chest)

Floppa: It's not bloody working! Sogga stop this nonsense jutsu of yours. I'm not buying it! Hiss!

What can we learn from practicing authentic living over following a timeline?

  On Social Media sites we encounter some motivational speakers who introduce us to the idea of not restricting yourself on following a time...