Saturday, April 13, 2024

My thoughts on using pronouns to let people acknowledge your gender

When I encounter a male person but unaware of his sexual orientation, I immediately address him a male however if I some observe something distinctive about this person for instance he wears female clothing, has some feminine in his gestures or he openly tells everyone that he is gay then I will address this person as she/her for me to acknowledge and respect the sexual orientation that this person wants to be.

I don't mind whatever their sexual orientation is and for as long as they are approachable, decent and kind person I don't see anything wrong for these people to be included in the community.

What I consider an issue if the person impose too much that all people must recognize and accept that they are from the LGBT group and demands the respect that they need but they do the opposite for example they harm someone who doesn't accept their sexual orientation or any slight conflicts with someone grew into a bigger issue.

At schools, we are taught about the use of pronouns, the use of he/him, she/hers, we, ours, they/them and it. It is straightforward that when everyone sees you as a male, you will addressed as he/him and if you are a female then she/her is applied however now that we are on the modern and digital age some individuals call themselves as they/them. 

In my opinion, using this kind of pronouns confuses some people for example children, elderly and those people who follows the conservative, religious and those people who considered it as normal from previous standards and today's acceptable standards. You may inform people you're sexual orientation however you must accept that not everyone accept you for your choices.  Not all people will try to understand what you have been through for a gender change.

For you to fully embrace your identity, you must be grateful and accept who you are from the past. You make peace with it. Respect your biological make-up from birth and respect what God and the nature has given you.

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