Thursday, March 7, 2024

The benefits of using Receipts for my things to do list instead of an organizer or the Daily/Yearly planner.


An example of a Daily/Yearly Planner

When I was in High School and College I enjoyed collecting or buying Yearly planner or Organizer for my day-to-day activities. I love its colorful designs of it especially it is a book bound however later on I realized that after a year this Year planner becomes a clutter, there are some pages that are untouched and I was thinking that most yearly planners are expensive and every time that I am going to throw them on the bin, I could imagine the cost of this item and instead of using this amount for other important expenses then there we go, all of them goes to the bin!
From there, it makes me have a decision of not buying or accepting Yearly planners but instead use whatever resources that I have and that's either clear Bond paper, a Scratch paper and lastly the receipts.

Fifth, once you have accomplished all the task for a particular day, you can simply throw it away using paper bins for recycling.
Then lastly, you can write ideas that inspires you and that is something that you can keep on looking forward to in planning your activities for the following day and make sure that you are planning for your daily task and activities keep it in line with your main goal and set your intentions for the next day.

Sometimes, these receipts provide me the motivation to work hard especially if I saw the cost of the purchase written on the receipt was costly.??

There are also times that we fail to finish the tasks that we have written there however we shouldn't be too frustrated and dwell too much on those tasks because we have to be reminded that there are things that take time to manifest that's why do everything you can and for those unfinished business you can get back to work on it. If we try to rush things sometimes it produces wrong results that is why we need to carefully plan our time, money and resources. Our day-to-day list would help us keep on the right tract with our goals despite of world's uncertainty that we encounter, and it is also our way of evaluating what are things and commitments that is working or not. Have a great day and spend your time wisely.

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